IP discloses relevant documentation in its consolidated version related to €500,000,000 4.250 % Notes due 2021 (ISIN: PTCPEDOM0000) in consequence of the Meeting of Noteholders held on the 15th July 2015 where was approved an extraordinary resolution recognizing that all the terms and conditions applicable to the Notes remain unchanged, except for references to the issuer which, for all purposes, shall be replaced by “Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A.”. The aforementioned approval was publicly disclosed by IP on the 16th July 2015 at REFER’s website and CMVM’s Information Disclosure System.
Vem a IP disponibilizar a documentação relevante referente à emissão €500,000,000 4.250 % Notes due 2021 (Código ISIN: PTCPEDOM0000) na sua versão consolidada na sequência da aprovação destas alterações na assembleia de obrigacionistas ocorrida a 15 de julho de 2015 e tal como oportunamente divulgado no sítio da CMVM a 16 de julho de 2015.