RDI Projects

Cor Quinta

IP participates in numerous RDI projects through an extensive network of partners in national and European Research, Development and Innovation Consortiums.

See all of IP’s RDI projects.




Analysing the potential of 5G technology to support advanced mobility, namely to connect infrastructures, vehicles and users, using the IP EN 13 / stretch Valença – Viana do Castelo road as a case study.

This project was approved by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, with a co-financing rate of 70%, under subsidy contract No 825496

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Studies and trials on the future mobile communication system (FRMCS) to be employed in rail to replace GSM-R.

This project was approved by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, with a co-financing rate of 70%, under subsidy contract No 951725

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Arc Atlantique


Arc Atlantique 3

Development and installation of equipment relating to speed control systems, road telematic systems, traffic control and management systems and road assistance services and telecommunications on the Atlantic Corridor.

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Conception, development and ratification by the Standard EN1317, of safety barriers, with N2W2 and H2W2 performance levels, for cases with and without Motorcycle Protection Devices.

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Definition of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in the field of road safety.

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Bridge SMS


Bridge SMS

Development of equipment and methodologies to inspect and monitor special structures set in a water environment.

This project was approved by the European Union through the 7th Framework Programme for R&TD, under subsidy contract No 612517

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