Sines Line, Sines - Ermidas Stretch
Ferrovia 2020
  • Obras Linha de Sines, Troço Sines - Ermidas
  • Obras Linha de Sines, Troço Sines - Ermidas
  • Obras Linha de Sines, Troço Sines - Ermidas
  • Obras Linha de Sines, Troço Sines - Ermidas
  • Map
Municipalities involved:
Sines and Santiago do Cacém.
Length of the Sines – Ermidas stretch on the Sines line from pk 129 + 630 to pk 179 + 800 (50 km).

Scope of Work

Modernization of the stretch on the Sines line between Sines and Ermidas includes the following work:

  • Construction of a new technical station and adaptation of the São Bartolomeu da Serra station so as to allow the movement and crossing of 750 m freight trains;

  • Modernization of the existing track superstructure with particular emphasis on the use of multi-purpose concrete sleepers, enabling future migration from Iberian gauge to European gauge;

  • Conservation and stabilization work on the track platform, ensuring maximum load capacity for the Sines line;

  • Modernization of drainage, in both longitudinal and transversal directions;

  • Stabilization of slopes;

  • Adaptation of the fixed electrical traction infrastructure as a result of the changes to stations and/or rectification of the rail line;

  • Implementation of permanent Traction Current Return, Soil Protection (RCT+TP);

  • Replacement of non-compliant special structures with ETI structures and construction of split-level solutions to replace level crossings.


Work on this stretch will:

  • Modernize the existing railway infrastructure and, with the construction of the Évora - Elvas stretch, establish a direct connection between Sines and Badajoz to replace the current route, which due to its technical characteristics and the distances involved, cannot be used in the Atlantic Corridor of TransEuropean Transport Networks (TEN-T).

  • Align national transport strategy with that of the European Union, under the Railway Investment Plan 2016-2020, based on the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan for the 2014-2020 horizon (PETI3+), which sets out a long-term vision for the transport and infrastructure system.

  • The increase in capacity and interoperability, improving the efficiency and competitiveness of rail freight transport.

  • Eliminate capacity constraints and improve operating conditions with a view to enhancing the safety and viability of the railway system.

Community Funding