Southern Line, Ermidas - Grândola Stretch
Ferrovia 2020
  • Map
  • Linha do Sul, Troço Ermidas do Sado - Grândola Norte
Municipalities involved:
Grândola and Santiago do Cacém.
Length of the Ermidas - Grândola stretch on the Southern line from pk 101 + 976 and pk 129 + 630 (28 km).

Scope of Work

The modernization of the stretch on the Southern line between Ermidas and Grândola includes the following work:

  • Remodelling of the layout of the Ermidas Sado and Canal Caveira Stations, including platform conservation work, drainage, earthmoving and track;

  • Fencing of the rail channel on the Sines line;

  • Construction of a new water passage (WP) at Canal Caveira;

  • Adaptation of the electrical traction infrastructure (IFTE) affected by the work;

  • Implementation of traction current return and soil protection (RCT+TP) on the Sines line, Raquete – Porto of Sines stretch;

  • Construction of new support infrastructure for signaling and telecommunications – cabling channel;

  • Reintroduction of the affected services.


Work on this stretch will:

  • Modernize the existing railway infrastructure and, with the construction of the Évora - Elvas stretch, establish a direct connection between Sines and Badajoz to replace the current route, which due to its technical characteristics and the distances involved, cannot be used in the Atlantic Corridor of TransEuropean Transport Networks (TEN-T).

  • Align national transport strategy with that of the European Union, under the Railway Investment Plan 2016-2020, based on the Strategic Infrastructure and Transport Plan for the 2014-2020 horizon (PETI3+), which sets out a long-term vision for the transport and infrastructure system.

  • Increase capacity and interoperability, improving the efficiency and competitiveness of rail freight transport.

  • Eliminate capacity constraints and improve operating conditions with a view to enhancing the safety and viability of the railway system.

Community Funding