Évora Line - Alandroal Stretch
Ferrovia 2020
  • Alandroal 1
  • Alandroal 2
  • Alandroal 3
  • Alandroal 4
Municipalities involved:
Redondo, Alandroal and Vila Viçosa
Length of the Freixo - Alandroal stretch on the Évora line, from pk 146+500 to pk 167+000 (20.5 km).

Scope of Work

The modernization of the stretch on the Évora line between Freixo and Alandroal includes the following work:

  • construction of railway infrastructure, including earthmoving and drainage system;

  • construction of a technical station;

  • construction of 10 new rail bridges and rail viaducts:

    • São Bento Bridge – 168 m in length;

    • Calado Bridge – 310 m in length;

    • Seca Bridge - 148 m in length;

    • Lucefece Bridge – 664 m in length;

    • Gordesas Bridge – 512 in length;

    • Barranco dos Pegões Viaduct – 521 m in length;

    • Barranco dos Galvões Viaduct – 310 m in length;

    • Retorta Viaduct – 404 m in length;

    • Penedrais Viaduct – 614 m in length;

    • Covas Viaduct – 69 m in length.

  • construction of 16 special structures to create split-level roadways;

  • construction of parallel pathways and access and adjacent emergency paths;

  • fencing of rail channel;

  • preparatory work to fit Traction Current Return and Soil Protection (RCT+TP), telecommunications, overhead contact line and signaling.


The modernization of this stretch will provide:

  • Increased competitiveness:

    • a reduction in journey time and transport costs

    • an increase in capacity: use of goods trains up to 750 m

  • Improved connections with the southern international corridor

  • Create conditions for European interoperability:

this stretch will provide for goods trains up to 750 m in length on a single electrified track (25 kV-50 Hz) on a double track bed, ballasted with UIC60 track and multi-purpose concrete sleepers, thus being prepared to receive the future European gauge.

Community Funding