Évora Line, Évora – Évora North Stretch
Ferrovia 2020
  • Map
  • CIS - Troço Évora – Évora Norte - Fotografia 2
  • CIS - Troço Évora - Évora Norte - Fotografia 2
  • CIS - Troço Évora - Évora Norte - Fotografia 3
  • CIS - Troço Évora - Évora Norte - Fotografia 4
  • Map
  • CIS - Troço Évora - Évora Norte - Fotografia 6
  • Map
Municipalities involved:
The length of the Évora – Évora North stretch on the Évora line, from pk 117 + 700 and pk 126 + 000 (10 km).

Scope of Work

The modernization of the stretch on the Évora line between Évora and Évora North, includes the following work:

  • Installation of electronic signaling + ETCS N2+ CONVEL and 2 GSM-R towers;

  • Construction of five elevated walkways and three underground walkways;

  • Construction of track superstructure and overhead contact line;

  • Construction of three railway bridges;

  • Construction of a single-track platform, drainage and fencing along the full length.


The modernization of this stretch will act as a complement to the new rail channel under construction between Évora and the Eastern line, in a logic of evolutionary development of the rail links to Spain, under the framework of the TransEuropean Transport Network (TEN-), the rail goods link between Portuguese ports and the rest of Europe, while also providing a passenger link. Conditions will also be created for technical and operational compatibility in the connection to adjacent stretches, and compliance with the technical provisions of interoperability.

Community Funding